In the year 1887, a mysterious Nebula emerges from null-space and engulfs Mars. The planet is devastated, the resulting fallout of both Mars and portions of The Nebula soon reaching Earth and its moon. This morose concoction allows bizarre entities to rip through other dimensions and directly into our own. Mankind itself is effected, manifesting what could be best termed as mutations and magic, or in many cases, just insanity...

A year has passed since these initial cataclysmic events. Mankind has settled into a new and uneasy reality, a reality that is ever shifting and contorting into unimaginable and often incomprehensible ways. The Nebula's energy continues to ebb and flow over the Earth, its creatures and effects leaving behind not only destruction, transformation, and madness, but also a valuable new commodity: Nebula Gems and Nebula Dust.

These materials can be utilized to create what some call magic, while others would call it super-science. Indeed, those brave enough to collect these Nebula remnants can become rich, with many using them to enhance current human technology, or even just their own personal power!

in this game, players take on the roles of Victorian-era paranormal hunters adventuring in a very different England from the historical one. Your Team explores haunted mansions and museums around London, occupied by both unnatural horrors and unclaimed wealth, all randomly generated from multiple card decks across a series of scenarios.

Victorian Knights is similar to many dungeon-crawler games, with the players trying to accomplish mission goals and discovering ways to improve their abilities and adventuring gear along the way. After each mission, the characters can interact with shops and services to remedy themselves from their last outing, all the while preparing for their next one!

Future expansions will add to the core set, adding more adventure settings, character classes, enemies, shops, and more!

‘Nebula Mage’ by Claira Voyant